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30 Foods High In Niacin (Vitamin B3)

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Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is an essential vitamin that we must obtain from our diet.

Niacin performs a range of crucial functions within the human body, including producing energy from food and maintaining healthy cells (1).

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a daily value of 16 mg for niacin (2).

This article presents a list of 30 foods high in niacin, arranged in descending order based on niacin content per typical serving.

All nutritional data on niacin content is sourced from the USDA’s FoodData Central database.

Daily values have been calculated using USDA data alongside the FDA’s published daily values.

Foods High In Vitamin B3 (Niacin).

1) Wheat Bran Flakes, enriched (Ralston)

First of all, it is worth noting that some processed foods are fortified with niacin. These foods often have the highest levels of the vitamin.

For example, Ralston enriched wheat bran flakes provide 38.1 mg of niacin per 42-gram cup serving. This is equal to 238% of the daily value (1).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 42g cup serving
90.6 mg (566% DV)38.1 mg (238% DV)

2) Red Bull, sugar free

Energy drinks, which often contain added B vitamins, are another example of niacin-enriched products.

For instance, a 250-gram (8.3 fl oz) can of sugar-free red bull contains 21.2 mg of niacin, equal to 133% of the daily value (2).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 8.3 fl oz (250g) can
8.5 mg (53% DV)21.2 mg (133% DV)

3) Yellowfin Tuna, cooked

Fresh Yellowfin Tuna Steak.

Yellowfin tuna is one of the most niacin-rich foods; a three ounce (85-gram) serving provides 118% of the daily value (3).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 3oz (85g) serving
22.1 mg (138% DV)18.8 mg (118% DV)

4) Chicken breast, skinless, cooked

A 181-gram chicken breast offers 17.1 mg of niacin, equal to 107% of the vitamin’s daily value (4).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 181g chicken breast
9.45 mg (59% DV)17.1 mg (107% DV)

5) Canned tuna, light, drained

Canned light tuna, which is often primarily composed of Skipjack tuna, is an excellent source of niacin.

A 165-gram can offers 16.7 mg, which is 104% of the daily value (5).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 165g can
10.1 mg (63% DV)16.7 mg (104% DV)

6) Sockeye salmon, cooked

Sockeye salmon is another rich source of niacin, providing 98% of the daily value per 155-gram half fillet (6).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 155g half fillet
10.1 mg (63% DV)15.7 mg (98% DV)

7) Pork chop, loin, lean only, cooked

A 187-gram lean pork chop offers 15.3 mg of niacin, equal to 96% of the daily value (7).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 187g chop
8.2 mg (51% DV)15.3 mg (96%)

8) Atlantic salmon, farmed, cooked

Farmed Atlantic salmon is another niacin-rich fish, providing only slightly less of the vitamin than sockeye.

A 178-gram half fillet offers 89% of the vitamin’s daily value (8).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 178g half fillet
8.04 mg (50% DV)14.3 mg (89% DV)

9) Yellowtail, cooked

Many species of fish provide significant niacin content, and yellowtail is no exception. Per 146-gram half fillet, yellowtail provides 79% of the daily value (9).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 146g half fillet
8.72 mg (55% DV)12.7 mg (79% DV)

10) Turkey breast, cooked

Turkey breast provides 10 mg of niacin per three-ounce (85-gram) serving, equal to 63% of the daily value (10).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 3oz (85g) serving
11.8 mg (74% DV)10.0 mg (63% DV)

11) Swordfish, cooked

A 106-gram piece of swordfish supplies 9.8 mg of niacin, equal to 61% of the daily value (11).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 3oz (85g) serving
9.25 mg (58% DV)9.8 mg (61% DV)

12) Anchovies, canned in oil

A can of anchovies packed in oil is a convenient source of niacin. Just a 45-gram can provides 8.96 mg of the vitamin, which is 56% of the daily value (12).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 45g can
19.9 mg (124% DV)8.96 mg (56% DV)

13) Rainbow trout, cooked

A 143-gram fillet of rainbow trout offers 8.25 mg of niacin, which is equal to 52% of the daily value (13).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 143g fillet
5.77 mg (36% DV)8.25 mg (52% DV)

14) Yeast Extract Spread

Yeast extract spread is a substantial source of niacin, with just a teaspoon providing 48% of the daily value (14).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 6g teaspoon
128 mg (800% DV)7.68 mg (48% DV)

15) Peanut flour, defatted

Defatted peanut flour is a more concentrated source of protein and vitamins and minerals than regular peanuts.

An ounce (28.35-gram) serving offers 48% of the daily value for niacin (15).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per oz (28.35g) serving
27 mg (169% DV)7.66 mg (48% DV)

16) Portabella mushrooms, grilled

A 121-gram cup of grilled portabella mushrooms contains 7.58 mg of niacin, equal to 47% of the daily value (16).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 121g cup serving
6.26 mg (39% DV)7.58 mg (47% DV)

17) Pork liver, cooked

Among the various meat products, liver offers the highest niacin content.

A three-ounce (85-gram) serving of pork liver provides 45% of the daily value (17).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 3oz (85g) serving
8.44 mg (53% DV)7.17 mg (45% DV)

18) Eel, cooked

A 159-gram fillet of eel supplies 7.14 mg of niacin, equal to 45% of the daily value (18).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 159g fillet
4.49 mg (28% DV)7.14 mg (45% DV)

19) Instant Oatmeal, cooked, prepared with water

Instant oatmeal offers a good source of niacin: a 234-gram cup serving provides 44% of the daily value (19).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 234g cup serving
3.02 mg (19% DV)7.07 mg (44% DV)

20) Atlantic mackerel, cooked

An 88-gram fillet of Atlantic mackerel provides 38% of the daily value for niacin (20).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 88g fillet
6.85 mg (43% DV)6.03 mg (38% DV)

21) Atlantic herring, cooked

Atlantic herring is also rich in niacin, with a 143g fillet offering 37% of the daily value (21).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 143g fillet
4.12 mg (26% DV)5.89 mg (37% DV)

22) Ground beef, 95% lean, cooked

All beef offers a good source of niacin.

However, leaner options have a lower fat and subsequently higher niacin content.

A three-ounce (85-gram) serving of ground beef provides 32% of the vitamin’s daily value (22).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 3oz (85g) serving
6.05 mg (38% DV)5.14 mg (32% DV)

23) Sardines, canned in oil, drained

A 92-gram of canned sardines contains 4.82 mg of niacin, equal to 30% of the daily value (23).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 92-gram can
5.24 mg (33% DV)4.82 mg (30% DV)

24) Maitake mushrooms, raw

Based on their raw weight, a 70-gram cup of maitake mushrooms provides 29% of the daily value for niacin (24).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 70-gram cup
6.58 mg (41% DV)4.61 mg (29% DV)

25) Cured ham, extra lean, roasted

Per three-ounce (85-gram) serving, roasted lean cured ham has a niacin content equal to 28% of the daily value (25).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 3oz (85g) serving
5.32 mg (33% DV)4.52 mg (28% DV)

26) Spanish peanuts, raw

Spanish peanuts provide 28% of the daily value for niacin per ounce (28.35-gram) serving (26).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per oz (28.35g) serving
15.9 mg (99% DV)4.51 mg (28% DV)

27) Enoki mushrooms, raw

Based on their raw weight, a 64-gram cup of enoki mushrooms offers 4.5 mg of niacin. This is equal to 28% of the daily value (27).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 64-gram cup
7.03 mg (44% DV)4.5 mg (28% DV)

28) Peanut butter, chunky style

Chunky peanut butter is a good source of niacin, with a 2-tablespoon (32-gram) serving offering 27% of the daily value (28).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 2-tbsp (32g)
13.7 mg (86% DV)4.38 mg (27% DV)

29) Tilapia, cooked

An 87-gram fillet of tilapia provides 26% of the daily value for niacin (29).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 87g fillet
4.74 mg (30% DV)4.12 mg (26% DV)

30) Tomato puree, canned

A 250-gram can of tomato puree has a niacin content equal to 23% of the daily value (30).

Niacin per 100 gramsNiacin per 250g can
1.74 mg (11% DV)3.68 mg (23% DV)

Vegetables High In Niacin

As shown in this list of foods high in niacin, some food groups tend to provide more of the vitamin than others.

Specifically, fish, meat, and certain types of mushrooms all tend to have high niacin content.

However, for those who wish to add a bit more of the vitamin to their meals, here are some niacin-rich vegetable options:

  • Green peas (cooked): 3.23 mg (20% DV) per 160-gram cup (31)
  • Red baked potato (with skin): 2.77 mg (17% DV) per 173-gram potato (33)
  • Baked sweet potato (with skin): 2.68 mg (17% DV) per 180-gram sweet potato (36)
  • Yellow sweet corn (cooked): 2.5 mg (16% DV) per 149-gram cup (32)
  • Butternut squash (cooked): 1.99 mg (12% DV) per 205-gram cup (34)
  • Asparagus (cooked): 1.87 mg (12% DV) per 180-gram cup (35)
  • Broccoli raab (cooked): (11% DV) 1.72 mg per 85-gram serving (37)
  • Sweet red pepper (raw): 1.61 mg (10% DV) per 164-gram large pepper (38)


To find out the best dietary sources of other B vitamins, please refer to the following guides:

  1. 30 Foods High In Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
  2. The Top 20 Foods High In Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  3. 30 Foods High In Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
  4. 30 Foods High In Vitamin B6
  5. 20 Foods High In Folate (Vitamin B9)
  6. 30 Foods High In Vitamin B12
Photo of author

Michael Joseph, MSc, ANutr

Michael works as a nutritionist in a community setting and holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. He is a Registered Associate Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition.

See Michael's full bio