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Nutrition Articles and Guides

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Despite seeming simple, the topic of nutrition is incredibly complex.

It may seem that no-one can agree, and the media often confuses the public with their changing news stories from day to day.

However, there are also many things that we do know about nutrition and the essential nutrients that we require.

This is a resource for anyone looking to learn a little more.

On this page, there are various guides on important nutritional topics.


The calorie is a unit of energy, and the calorie content of a specific food is a measurement of how much energy that food contains.

We need a certain amount of calories to meet our daily energy needs.

Additionally, the total amount of calories we consume influences our body weight. If we consume more calories than we need, we will gain weight, and vice-versa.

See this guide on the calorie content of popular foods for more information.


Carbohydrates are one of the three major macronutrients, and they tend to contribute more calories to the average diet than either fat and protein.

However, there is a common claim that if we eat too many carbs they “turn to fat” – is there any truth to this?

This article examines the question: do carbohydrates get stored as fat?

Dietary Fat

Dietary fat is not just one thing, and there are several different types of fat.

Furthermore, each type of fat contains a wide range of different fatty acids.

Is saturated fat bad for us? What are the names of the different monounsaturated fatty acids? Is dietary fat an essential part of the diet?

See this guide to dietary fat for the answers to these questions and more.


There are many popular diets, with diets achieving mainstream popularity over previous years including keto, plant-based, low-carb, paleo, and more.

However, how do all of these diets compare? Are there any benefits and potential downsides to be aware of? And what are some common dietary mistakes?

In essence, most diets can have pros and cons, and success with a particular diet really depends on the person and the context.

For more information and an overview of popular named diets, please refer to the following guide:

16 Popular Types of Diet: How Do They Compare?


Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the human body does not digest in the same way as other sugars or starches.

We can often hear dietary guidance on the importance of fiber to a healthy diet, and we can find it in various plant foods.

However, there are actually a wide range of different types of fiber, and they do not all have the same effect.

What are the different types of fiber? What functions do they have? Are they all equally good for us?

This article on dietary fiber provides an in-depth guide.

Health Markers

How do diet-related factors affect markers of health?

The truth is, it’s the overall diet that matters most, but all foods have their own unique properties (and effects).

On this note, here are fifteen foods that have lowered LDL cholesterol levels in randomized controlled trials.


There are many different essential minerals.

In simple terms, this means that the human body requires these nutrients in small amounts from the diet.

There are numerous minerals that we need to obtain from food, and some well-known minerals are calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

How much of each mineral do we require on a daily basis? What functions do they have? What are the best dietary sources from which we can obtain each one?

Find out in this guide to essential minerals.

Nutrient Density

There are so many different diets that people follow, and people may either have great success or fail to follow them.

However, for any diet to be health-promoting, it should focus on nutrient density.

Nutrient density simply refers to the amount of nutrients per gram (or per calorie) in food.

Two excellent examples of a nutrient-dense food are liver and hemp seeds.

In contrast, refined wheat flour and vegetable oils are foods which are not particularly nutrient-dense.

To learn more about nutrient density, see this guide to the most nutrient-dense foods.


Polyphenols are bioactive compounds that occur naturally in a range of plant foods. In the past, it was easier to hear people refer to these compounds as ‘antioxidants’.

Coffee, red wine, dark chocolate, and blueberries are all commonly cited examples of foods that are rich in polyphenols.

The question is: just how beneficial are these compounds? What does recent research on the topic demonstrate?

Also, which foods offer the most polyphenols?

This guide to polyphenols covers it all.


Protein comes in many different forms, and dairy, meat, seafood, and legumes are all notable examples of protein-rich foods.

Does eating higher amounts of protein have benefits? How do animal-based proteins and plant-based proteins compare?

Additionally, what are the best dietary sources of protein?

Find out more in these guides on protein.


Sweeteners play a significant role in packaged foods, and sugar is one of the most prevalent ingredients in the food chain.

However, there is a wide range of different sweeteners.

First, there are natural sweeteners such as honey and coconut sugar.

There are also artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, and other plant-derived options such as stevia.

Find out how all these different sweeteners compare.


Alongside minerals, vitamins are another essential micronutrient that we need to consume within our diet.

Some of the more famous vitamins include vitamin C, which we can find in citrus fruit, and vitamin B12, which is present in animal foods such as beef.

Which vitamins do we need to get from our diet? Furthermore, what are the functions of each vitamin and how much constitutes a sufficient intake?

Find out in this guide to essential vitamins.

Weight Loss

In one sense, weight loss can seem quite simple: we just have to eat less food.

Sadly, weight loss is much more complicated than that. For one thing, there are numerous obstacles that can stand in the way of losing weight.

Two examples of common pitfalls are personal knowledge and non-satiating diets.

Despite this, people try all kinds of different techniques to lose weight. However, the key to sustainable weight loss does not lie in crash dieting.

Instead, here are some more sensible weight-loss strategies.

More Nutrition Articles

Looking for some interesting nutrition books to read? Then here are some books that cover a range of different ideas, from ancestral-based eating to intuitive eating and more.

Fruits and vegetables have a lot to offer nutritionally, and they are a great source of essential nutrients. However, some plant foods also contain oxalates, which can cause problems for some individuals. Here is a guide to foods high in oxalate.

Looking for some helpful food and nutritional-related products to make healthy eating and meal preparation easier? See this guide: helpful nutrition-related products that make life easier.

Unfortunately, it is possible to find a wide range of nutrition myths online. Here’s a guide to some of the most common myths alongside an explanation for each one.

Lastly, which diet is “the best” for each of us? Here’s a guide to finding a healthy and sustainable diet.

9 thoughts on “Nutrition Articles and Guides”

  1. Once again, great article – well-written and containing links to articles cited.

    Please keep doing what you do. You’re a fabulous resource and interpreter of the current literature.

  2. I just found this site and it is excellent. Would you write an article listing the main nutrients needed daily and the amounts, with simple suggestions of how to get them in food –if you have not done so, already?

    My email is not available.

  3. Hey, great point about superfoods. They will not counter negative effects of unhealthy intakes. But they certainly will boost the positive effects of those who eat a healthy diet.

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