Potassium is an essential mineral that holds a significant role in blood pressure regulation.
When it comes to potassium sources, bananas are frequently cited as an example of a high-potassium food.
However, what is the actual potassium content in a banana? Are they truly among the best sources of the mineral?
This article aims to address these queries with nutritional data and by exploring the relative potassium content of bananas compared to other foods.
The Potassium Content of Bananas
Firstly, it is important to recognize that no banana has an identical nutritional profile, given how their size varies.
In this context, an extra-large banana generally contains significantly more potassium than a smaller one.
Using data from the USDA’s FoodData Central database, the table below illustrates the amount of potassium in bananas of various sizes (1).
Furthermore, the table indicates the portion of the FDA’s ‘daily value’ recommendation (4700 mg) provided by each banana. Daily values are based on a typical 2000-calorie diet (2).
Size of banana
Potassium content
% Daily value for potassium
Extra Large (152g)
544 mg
Large (136g)
487 mg
Medium (118g)
422 mg
Small (101g)
362 mg
Extra small (81g)
290 mg
Per 100 grams
358 mg
The potassium content of bananas of various sizes. Data source: USDA FoodData Central
As shown in the table, the potassium provision of bananas varies significantly.
While an extra large banana contributes 11.6% of the daily value for potassium, an extra small banana provides only 6.2%.
However, it is evident that bananas are generally a good potassium source. Any banana from a medium size upward offers approximately 10% of the daily value for the mineral.
Both the common yellow banana and red bananas deliver a similar amount of potassium.
Key Point: Bananas are a reliable source of potassium, but the total content depends on their size. Notably, an extra large banana offers nearly twice the potassium content of an extra small banana.
Which Foods Have More Potassium Than a Banana?
While bananas are a good source of potassium, there are several foods that provide larger amounts of the mineral. Interestingly, bananas are more commonly touted as a high-potassium option compared to many of these alternatives.
We will now examine how bananas compare to various other foods in terms of potassium provision per 100 grams. The provided information in the table includes the amount of potassium and calorie content for each food.
From there, we have calculated the amount of potassium per 100 calories each food provides. Considering the different weights of the foods, this makes it a fairer comparison.
Once more, the data source for this analysis is the USDA’s nutritional database (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).
Food name
Potassium content per 100g
Calories per 100g
Potassium per 100 calories
Avocado (raw)
485 mg
160 kcal
303 mg
Banana (raw)
358 mg
89 kcal
402 mg
Beet greens (cooked)
794 mg
48 kcal
1654 mg
Mushrooms, white button (cooked)
356 mg
28 kcal
1271 mg
Potatoes (cooked)
379 mg
87 kcal
436 mg
Pork (cooked, lean, 4% fat)
415 mg
185 kcal
226 mg
Salmon, Atlantic (cooked)
384 mg
206 kcal
186 mg
Swiss chard (cooked)
549 mg
20 kcal
2745 mg
White beans (cooked)
561 mg
139 kcal
404 mg
The potassium content of various foods compared to bananas, on a per-100-gram basis. Data source: USDA FoodData Central
As depicted in the table, bananas provide a moderately high potassium content. The only other fruit offering similar levels of the mineral is avocado.
However, bananas are not among the very highest potassium foods.
Bananas have both lower total potassium content and a reduced potassium level per 100 calories compared to several other foods, including beet greens, swiss chard, and white beans.
For a comprehensive guide to the most potassium-rich foods, refer to this article:
Despite the fact that some individuals may be unaware of it, the peel (outer skin) of a banana is, in fact, edible.
However, there is likely a good reason why not many people consume it: it has a rather bitter taste and can be tough. However, its texture softens when cooked, and it can also be consumed by blending it into smoothies.
As for whether banana peels contain potassium, the answer is that they do, and in high amounts too.
A study published in 2019 analyzed the nutritional composition of bananas and plantains, including their peels. The findings indicated that banana peels typically contain 1709 mg of potassium per 100 grams (11). This is 36% of the daily value for potassium (2).
That said, it is worth noting that the average banana peel represents only about 25-35% of the weight of a banana. Therefore, a 100-gram banana would have a peel weighing approximately 25-35 grams.
Key Point: Banana peel is a good source of potassium.
Final Thoughts
As shown in this article, bananas stand as a good source of potassium.
However, they are not best dietary source. Some foods, such as leafy greens), offer more potassium per gram and per calorie.
In summary, including bananas in one’s diet is a beneficial way to boost potassium intake.
Adding other potassium-rich foods like leafy greens, seafood, and white beans can also aid in meeting potassium requirements.
Michael works as a nutritionist in a community setting and holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. He is a Registered Associate Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition.